"The Executive Secretary of Synergistic Globe expresses concern that, following COVID-19, the next significant threat could be heat waves linked to climate change and global warming, emphasizing the need for skilled environmental journalists to collaborate with scientists in researching, processing, and disseminating information to educate societies on environmental preservation"

Synergistic globe believes that unhealthy environment causes diseases in our communities and therefore we use relevant specialists to furnish the community with environmental conservation knowledge. Special group initiatives in Tanzania focus on uniting together in fighting against their challenges, but they generally lack knowledge and skills thus leading to their failure. We research and empower communities through workshops, seminars and trainings, since the society is filled with bad cultural beliefs like killing of albinos and genital mutilation and in so doing we come up with effective solutions for such situations. The rural community is experiencing gender inequality issues, on this particular aspect we create awareness on benefits of gender equality. Here we also research and educate communities on how to accommodate special groups and their denied rights.

A green and environmentally friendly world for both living and non-living organisms.

To reach, create awareness and educate the society on fostering communities' development while conserving the environmental for the current and future generation.

The community achieving full awareness on environmental conservation throughout all those involved like the youth, Children and also elders.