Rising awareness to the community on environmental conservation

Lobbying youth camps or groups under the influence of Friends of Lake Victoria

Promoting entrepreneurship in groups of youth and care givers for their sustainability

Rising awareness on children living in difficult situations

Rising awareness to orphans in all life aspects

Rising awareness on HIV/AIDS

"You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them."
Wangari Muta Maathai (1940-2011) - Environmentalist and Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2004.


The Friends of Lake Victoria are a core part of Synergistic Globe who participate in various activities to conserve and protect the environment. We engage particularly in Tanzania predominantly the region of Mwanza where our headquarters are situated and the inspiration for the name of the group was derived from the Lake Victoria located right here in the region.


We have worked hand in hand with Luchelele Primary School to educate the pupils on the importance of planting trees along with the benefits that come along with preserving and protecting the environment. Working together with the teachers and the school leadership we were able to plant countless of soil enriching plants in the areas of the school widely populated by wild trees with barely any plants in some areas. This was done so as the children could observe and learn firsthand what we were trying to convey upon them.

We have also committed ourselves in educating the people conducting fishing businesses in the coastal areas of Lake Victoria to reduce and eventually stop dumping toxic and harmful waste into this beautiful body of water. This series of activities began with the coast known as Mswahili/Mwaloni which is famous for the sardines and fish businesses which is located close to Mkuyuni Municipal Council. In this coastal area, the people around this area notoriously dump and trash the place with plastics and all sorts of garbage that accumulates around the nearby regions of the lake. The efforts to reduce the waste surrounding the area were put up so as to show the common folk around it that is possible to make change step by step. Also elaborations of the hazards and dangers that came along with the improper waste disposal were conducted so as to increase overall awareness to all people.

During the International World Cleanup Day that was 16th September 2023, we were able to organize the cleaning of the coast of Lake Victoria specifically at Butuja in Ilemela Municipal council Mwanza. We also provided Environmental education, knowledge on proper utilization of water resources and awareness to increase the concern on the hygiene and sanitation surrounding the Lake Victoria. The activity succeeded to scope more than 200 people including fishermen and businessmen at the area who were polished on the significance of taking care of the environment and preserving water resources. They were also refined on the impact of plastic pollution on the Lake Victoria and all around since plastic pollution leads to extinction of different marine species in the lake and all agreed to protect it under the supervision of their leaders.


Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, an organization work, a society work, a civilization work.

Vitus Audax Medard


Angelina Tabu Manyama

Executive Secretary

Jelda Kafigiri

Chief Program Officer

Adamu Andrew


Kuluthum Khalfan Nahay


Jofrey Cosmas Malemi

Public Relations and Communications Officer

Sarah Onesmo

Information Officer

Agnes Patrice Swai

Orphans and Children Awareness (OCA) Project Coordinator

Anold Charles

Regional Program Officer